Friday, September 30, 2016

Coffee and Exercise:

Organic coffee 
Why you should drink coffee before you WOD (workout of the day). Coffee has some very beneficial aspects for the activate person, more than you might think. Other than being a "must" for many people first thing in the AM before they tackle anything, caffeine has been found to help continue to burn calories for up to three hours post workout at a fifteen percent increase as compared to that of the placebo per the InternationalJournal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 

Coffee also has the added benefit of helping you burn fat, yes I said burn fat. Caffeine has been help proven to burn fat at an increase of 10% to 29%. The reason that many "weight pills" contain caffeine is because it is a natural fat burner. What better way to get your caffeine is there than through a cup of organic coffee

Caffeine helps to stimulate the nervous system. In doing so it helps break down the fat cells in the body by turning them into energy. 

As with anything that is good for you the key is to not overdo it. The recommend amount of caffeine to have is 6 mg per 2.2lbs of body weight. For example if you weigh 175 you should have 477 mg of caffeine, which is about 20oz of coffee. 

So feel free to drink that coffee before you work out!

Drink more coffee

Michael Cosentino

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